Luuka Mission

Luuka Mission (Naigobia)

Well, what can I say, theirs is something about missions, they are like snowflakes, each is different from the other. On August 27th we set out for yet another mission but this time in Eastern Uganda, a place called Luuka. For those who love details, the exact place is called Naigobya town.

We were joined by a good number of missioners from Kenya and the rest came from Kampala. They all loved the mission, the interactions, meeting new people, new kinds of foods, etc. So far we have not come across a group of people from Uganda that is not welcoming; the people of Luuka were no different.

We were hosted by a school called Naigobya Community School and part of the administration even joined us for the mission. The Lord really gave us a lot of favor in the community and we are really grateful for that. As usual, we used the model of morning teaching followed by door to door from around 10:30 am to 5 pm. Afterwards, the missioners were free to just interact and get to know each other better.

We also ministered to the students who were still in school for remedial teaching. On Friday, as we were praying with them in a short service, the Lord filled the room and the evil spirits in the girls had no choice but to obey the voice of the master; that was quite a night.

On Saturday, we used a swamp, normally used to plant rice to baptize those who showed up and had given their lives to Christ. It was quite a powerful experience and we really bless the Lord for His grace. It was an emotional moment when we finally packed our bags and left the mission ground. Naigobya will indeed never be the same.

Here is a tabulated report.

Location Luuka, Naigobya
Date 27th August- 1st September
Total missioners 31
Reached 1257
Saved 518
Healed 20


About Pastor Godfrey

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1 thought on “Luuka Mission (Naigobia)

  1. The mission was power-packed by missioners from all over the globe and we bless the Lord for what he did and for the people he delivered including students from the nearby school who also gave their lives to Christ.

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